Our Theory of Change.
Reclaim. Restore. Transform.
Our Vision
The Ville will become a vibrant cultural destination anchored by thriving neighborhoods, enriching arts and economic opportunities
Picture This!
Picture a bustling commercial corridor. Residents and visitors shop for unique merchandise, savor preserved cultural landmarks, and marvel at a variety of public art. Green spaces beckon for relaxation and recreation. The streets pulse with life, filled with people enjoying well-maintained amenities. The Ville is a true embodiment of community vibrancy and vitality.
Imagine Black ownership and entrepreneurship flourishing as the community’s backbone, fostering an atmosphere brimming with creativity and joy. Strong civic leadership and political power ensure The Ville is recognized and celebrated as a thriving community that is consistently present in the larger narrative of St. Louis. This is a place where history is honored, the present is vibrant, and the future is bright—a true testament to the resilience and richness of The Ville.
The Ville will be recognized as a priority in the museum and tourism sectors, and identified as a bedrock of Black arts and culture. A robust educational infrastructure will support the community, increasing resident pride. The Ville will be widely spoken of as an asset, with families experiencing tangible increases in their wealth and standard of living. The next generation of storytellers will emerge, keeping the community's history alive. Residents and business owners will flourish, supported by a respected community governance structure. Economic viability will flourish with more job opportunities and development, all while preserving The Ville’s unique culture.
New public spaces come alive with art and activity
More funding and resources flow through the community
More community-led programming on the corridor
A stronger hyper local economy
More people walking to and from the commercial corridor. Residents access resources and amenities within walking distance
New mixed-use buildings are developed on the commercial corridor
More landmarks stabilized and redeveloped
More homes are built in the community for all income levels, including for artists specifically
The arts community recognizes The Ville as a hub of arts programming and artist cultivation
More leisure activity in the corridor and community
Public art fills the walls and public realm of the community
Sidewalks and streets are safer and cooler (trees) through infrastructure improvements
History is memorialized in the public domain
More students and residents share stories about The Ville with the public
More collaboration and partnerships
More community-led placekeeping and beautification initiatives
More capital is unlocked in the community
More programs, activation, and foot traffic on the MLK commercial corridor
All available retail bays are improved and filled
More public and philanthropic investments into the cultural district
Broad awareness of the cultural district represented by merchandise, paraphernalia, and media coverage
Designation of an improvement district
More trained tour guides and storytellers
More teaching and resident artists enrich the community.
More community governance and oversight
New public spaces bring vibrancy to the MLK corridor.
With Our Strategy
We will create dynamic public spaces
We will partner with city and civic leadership
We will steward a cultural district
We will help to attract real estate and economic development investments
We will cultivate a community of storytellers and story-keepers
We will host arts and cultural programming
We will offer tourism activities that amplify the story of The Ville
We will help establish The Ville as a Black cultural heritage destination
We will develop a strong brand for a new cultural district
We will manage an artist residency program
We will empower community members to shape the future of the cultural district
We will establish a community governance structure and public decision-making process
We will support preservation and improvement efforts
We will advocate for preservation of landmarks and sacred spaces
Because We Believe
The legacy of The Ville is worthy of preservation and revival
Our history is the source of inspiration & momentum for the future
The Ville is the last remaining historically Black community in St. Louis. Therefore, we have a responsibility to protect it
People who have remained in the community deserve to shape and benefit from its reinvigoration
A backbone organization is necessary to administer the community transformation process
Creativity is key to cross-generational transformation and market making
Strong community-centered partnerships are critical to transformation